Friday, November 13, 2015

How to Build Big Muscles - 2 Tips to Gain 20 Pounds of Muscle

Want to know how to build big muscles? Here's a surefire way NOT to get ripped-hiring a personal trainer at the local gym... buying expensive supplements... or following workout advice in some popular fitness magazine.

Gain 20 Pounds

Everything popular is WRONG.

If you just remember this point you are light years ahead of most people. Here are 2 tips to get results NOW:

#1) Time does NOT equal results.

Hard work is worshiped in our society today. I'm all for hard work-but it has to be SMART.

The quality of what you do at the gym is FAR MORE important than the quantity. Doing 1 meaningful exercise is FAR better than 20 meaningless ones.

Focus on the few exercises that really make a difference-and then get the heck out. This is how to build big muscles NOW.

Reduction is key.

When you do the right things at the gym you will find yourself spending a lot less time there... and a lot more time doing what you want to.

#2) Don't forget mental preparation.

This isn't a Tony Robbins seminar, but having clear goals will make or break you success. I don't care if you area following the best workout in the world-you won't get anywhere without knowing EXACTLY WHAT you are trying to achieve.

I personally guarantee it.

Most people only go the gym with generic goals like "getting in shape" or "getting ripped". Neither of these things is specific enough.

Set a trackable amount of muscle you want to gain-whether it be 20, 30 or 40 pounds-and write it down somewhere you can see it often.

How often should you review your progress?

A lot-at least 1-2 times a week. This will help you constantly see where you stand in relation to them. This is how to build big muscles FAST.

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